As Germany Eliminates, Humour Shifts Towards Cricket

With Germany making a disastrous exit from the FIFA World Cup 2018, there was shock in the country, while it seemed that the rest of the world was celebrating. Mexican fans thronged to the South Korean embassy in Mexico City after the Asians upstaged the World Cup defending champions, while many other parts of the world also had humorous retorts to the German exit. But not all of Germany was mourning as a Twitter handle, going by the name of Cricket Germany, took the opportunity to take a dig at their football team, as also the International Cricket Council (ICC) with their droll message.

“We hereby ask #FIFA to make the next #WorldCup open only to ten teams,” Cricket Germany said, referring to the ICC World Cup in 2019, which involves only 10 teams.  The responses included one from a handle called Cricket Finland, which asked, “Indeed. And just think of all the money they would lose (not) as a result!?!” Needless to say, there were reactions from to this, most of which came from the sub-continent.

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