The Simpsons’ prediction about FIFA World Cup 2018 Finals

The animated comedy TV show The Simpsons has gained popularity over the years for correctly predicting future events. The trend was noticed first after business tycoon Donald Trump was elected as the US President, something which the show predicted in the year 2000. The Simpsons also correctly predicted Disney’s sale to FOX, and also the result of the men’s curling final in the Winter Olympics, where the US defeated Sweden in a close contest. Now, with an episode of the animated show apparently showing the football World Cup final between Portugal and Mexico, the fans from both the countries are starting to get excited.

The animated TV show showed the two teams facing each other in the World Cup final in an episode titled The Cartridge Family back in the year 1997. Even though the episode does not mention the year in which the two teams will play the final, the fans are starting to believe it could be 2018 in Russia.

The fact that Portugal drew their final group stage match against Iran 1-1, they have finished in the second position in the group stage. With Mexico winning their first two opening contests, they are in pole position to top their group, which would mean that both the teams will not meet each other until the final, in case they were to meet this year.

Adding to the speculation about the prediction being true, the Portugal newspaper Eco wrote, that in the said episode, “There seems to be a reference to the scandal that recently plagued the Mexican team who allegedly partied with several women before the beginning of the tournament.”


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