Arsenal legend urges Lacazette to prove after World Cup omission

Arsenal legend Robert Pires has asked striker Alexander Lacazette to use his World Cup omission as motivation for the coming season.

Pires, who was part of Les Bleus 1998 World Cup winning squad, thinks Lacazette can use that disappointment into a good course.

“He’s a professional, of course he is upset. When you play, when you are at a team like Arsenal and play at a high level, your objective is to always to play for your country and especially this season as you know there is a World Cup. So of course he was very upset, but he respected Deschamps’ decision. But now for him it’s very important to forget this, to take a very good break with the family and be ready for next season because Alex Lacazette is very important for this club,” said Lacazette.

Lacazette joined Arsenal from Lyon last summer.

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