7 Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Of course, hairs in our body allow us breath and flush out the toxins. But too much of hair on different body parts causes embarrassment. Thus people try various methods to get rid of hairs. These methods include waxing and shaving majorly. Wait. As you know that technology has taken over us and we have a treatment for everything. Thus, people have switched to use technology meant for hair removal.

7 Side effects of laser hair removall

1. Skin Burn – The dark skin absorbs the light faster than a fair skin. Thus, you feel the heat while the laser hair removal process is underway. No, not only the people with dark skin feel this reaction. But, sometimes the people with fair skin color also go through the pain. The main cause of skin burn is high level of pigmentation. The greater the pigmentation you have the more heat you will feel. Thus, think about this before going for permanent hair removal.

2. Skin Darkening – This is what you might end up after having the laser hair removal. Reason for bearing this side effect is a higher amount of pigmentation that results in the burning of follicles for a longer time. Thus, the skin reacts and your skin will have a skin darkening such as suntan.

3. Harmful to Eyes – The rays coming out during this treatment is harmful to eyes. Thus, you must keep your eyes closed during the entire process. Also, don’t make too much of eye movements due to heat or pain you feel while undergoing this treatment. So, this is one of the top side-effects you might face from laser hair treatment.

4. Itchy Skin – The radiations coming from this treatment cause heat and thus you feel like itchy skin post laser hair removal. In fact, you might have rashes on that particular body part. Thus, consult the doctor and take care of your skin after this treatment. This is also one of the side-effects of laser hair removal treatment.

5. Discoloration of Skin – Our body reacts to everything we eat or put on our skin. Thus, laser hair removal also leaves harmful effects on the skin. This results in discoloration of skin such as having red-colored skin.

6 . Skin Infection – Use of any chemical or electric light on skin increases the risk of infection. This is because the skin is made up of various tissues and they tear off easily. Therefore, the skin loses its protection and the use of light on skin results in skin infection.

7. Bruised Skin – You may also have a bruise on the particular skin area that underwent the laser hair removal. This makes the skin hard and you will feel like to keep rubbing it. This can cause various other skin problems. Thus, this is one of the side effects of laser hair removal.

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