7 Silly lies women who sleep around tell their Men

Related imageLet’s face it men cheat, but women are the mastermind at the game. We all have to agree we lie for one reason or the other. Men lie; women lie; everybody lies. There’s no way to avoid dishonesty. Women have their ittle ways that help them navigate through some things, like you will hardly even see it coming, and Boom! She had you!

From the lame excuses to avoid some conversations that’s how they do it, you might not even notice it sometimes. Below are some seven ways women ie and get away with, but if you’re clever enough, you will know she is lying:

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7. Age

There’s something distinctive from the small number  of people occupying the 24 years -and-up group: they frequently lie about their age. Girls lie about age for the obvious reason: men are attracted to younger women. Even with all the BS that the media is telling women (“40 is the new 30,” etc.), women still instinctively know when men find them the most attractive and when they are above that age, they will sometimes try to hop in a time machine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.

6. Being Single

Another thing many women will lie about is whether they are single. There is the obvious one where they will pretend they have a boyfriend when a guy they aren’t attracted to asks them out, but we will focus on the opposite situation. When a girl really likes a guy she ends up meeting, many taken girls will lie about not having a boyfriend. At the very least they will never mention it, which is the same as lying about it.

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5. We are just friends, he’s not interested

Another common lie women will tell you when they say they are committed to you is “We are just friends, he’s not interested in me.” I used to think that women actually believed this and were just too naive to notice.

Women will have “backup plans” and “the ones that got away” that they will continue chatting and flirting with. They keep “backup plans” in case the relationship doesn’t work out or they have somebody to run to when there is a big fight in the relationship. She will keep “the one’s that got away” for the possibility that she can win him over. You may be getting dumped soon if she succeeds. Women will jump ship when they think they can land a guy of higher value.

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This is scary because of how easily this can lead to her getting knocked up by another guy. Maybe “the one that got away” pumps and dumps her, or maybe a “backup plan” gets into her pants in the middle of one of your fights. Either way you could end up in the same situation as this guy.

4. I don’t flirt with other guys

The next most common lie is one they may tell you a lot: “I don’t flirt with other guys.” This one is so common and so hard to catch her in, because of the loose definition of “flirting.”

Here’s my definition of flirting: talking to a normal guy in a way that could lead him to believe that you are sexually interested in him. Girls can read body language much better than men can, so they really do know when they are flirting and when a guy is only interested in something more. They do this for the same reasons as the lie above: backup, plans, boredom, etc.

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3. I’ve never done this before

I think every experienced man out there has heard this countless times. After bringing a girl back to your place on a first date or after just meeting her in the club, she will say “I’ve never done this before.”

She’s saying that so you will believe that she is a good girl who would never go home with a guy she just met, but that you were just that one in a million who it ended up happening with. Of course, if she’s saying that, it’s not even close to the first time she has ever done something like that.

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Girls will try to appear innocent so that they don’t lose the opportunity to have a relationship with you. Girls know that “You can’t turn a ho into a housewife” so they will try to create an illusion in the hopes that you will fall for it. Unfortunately, many men do fall for it, and things like the next study are what ends up happening.

The more sex partners a respondent had had between age 18 and the time of first marriage or cohabitation, the more likely he or she was to be unfaithful.

2. Last time she had s3x

Girls are very aware of the fact that men don’t want to date a slutty girl, the same way that women don’t want to date a guy with no job or who lives with his mom. They know this, so they pretend to be innocent and they use this innocence as a weapon:

1. Number of Sexual Partners

The most common thing that a girl will lie to you about is her notch count. Girls want to be seen as innocent, but they want it to seem believable to you. Most of you have seen the movie “American Pie.” In that movie there is a scene that mentions this:

Jessica: If a guy tells you how many girls he’s hooked up with, it’s not even close to that. You take that number and divide it by three, then you get the real total. OK, so if Kevin is saying it’s been three girls it’s more like one or none.
Vicky: None?
Jessica: The rule of three. It’s an exact science. Consistent as gravity.

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The rule of three works in this situation as well, just backwards. When a girl tells you she has been with three guys, nine guys is probably more accurate. If she tells you six, probably around 18. However, I have found that a lot of times it’s even more, maybe six or seven times the number she told you. Contrary to Jessica’s thoughts on the rule of three, it’s not an exact science, but using it is a good way to have an idea of how many guys she has been with.

It’s so strange that nobody ever talks about this because it’s an obvious lie, and one that could trick a guy into giving everything to a girl who has been riding the cock carousel all her life. Check out this study that shows how drastically the chances of getting a divorce goes up if after every new guy she sleeps with:


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