Inferno Burns Down The entire Church But The BiBle Remains intact

Image result for bible in flames and not burning

The church went up in flames on Sunday, March 3 – At some point the fire was so hot forcing firefighters to retreat

This made them believe nothing was going to be salvaged. Surprisingly, while digging through the rubble, they found bibles and a cross

None of the holy books was burnt and even the cross was only damaged by the smoke When firefighters gave up on a massive inferno that broke out at a church in West Virginia, USA, on Sunday, March 3,

Nothing could be salvaged until an unscathed bible surfaced, and then another, and then another. While digging through the ashes and rubble the following day, the fire brigade from the Coal City Fire Department made a discovery that some termed miraculous.

Bibles, cross remain untouched as fire razes down church
bibles in good condition after surviving inferno

The department Confessed that everything should have burned to ashes, but not a single bible was touched by the fire. According to a Facebook post shared by the department, the fire at Freedom Ministries Church in Grandview was so hot that at one point they were forced to back out.

“In your mind, everything should be burnt to ashes. Well, not a single bible was burnt and not a single cross was harmed! Not a single firefighter was hurt,” the post read on. The fire department shared several photos of bibles still perfectly intact and a nearly-unscathed cross hung against the wall. The church officials vowed to rebuild the church.

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