11 Inspirational Quotes to get you through the week

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Mondays are terrifying.

Most of us find it hard to change from the weekend tune to a weekday one.

So, how do you get by the week?

Here are some motivational quotes to help you transition:

  1. Even if nobody believes in me, I will keep going.
  2. Don’t wish for it-Work for it
  3. Today they will laugh at you for trying. Tomorrow,they will ask you for advice.
  4. Everyday is a challenge to get better
  5. The days you don’t want to are the days you need to.
  6. Every morning you have two choices: to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them
  7. Life has so many different chapters, one bad chapter does not mean it is the end of the book.
  8. My mistakes will always be my motivation; not my excuses
  9. Focusing on others will make you bitter. Focusing on yourself will make you better.
  10. It never gets easier, you just get better
  11. Practice like you’ve never won. Play like you’ve never lost.

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