Authority admits that Kodiaga prison neighborhood drinks sewer water

Kisumu residents have been surviving through God’s grace as reports indicate that they have been drinking…

How Kisumu Residents have been drinking Prisoners’ Sh**t for a while

It now emerges that Kodiaga Maximum Prison in Kisumu has been disposing its raw waste into…

How Kisumu residents have been drinking from raw Kodiaga sewage

Kenya Prisons Commissioner-General Isaiah Osugo has admitted that the main correctional facility in Kisumu has been…

Ombudsman reveals how Kodiaga prison wardens ‘trade’ on inmates files

Inmates at the Kodiaga Maximum Prison are seeking justice over missing court files, some of which have…

The rot in courts exposed over ten year injustices on suspects

While there are suspicions that many have been locked behind bars without real offences on their…

List of increased number of dangerous MCAs replacing Obado in remand

Ironically after electing leaders to represent our issues at the house, they instead find pleasure in…