Why Mungiki is so strong and the one way they leave the sect

Out of poverty rises desperate people. That’s the basic origin story of the Mungiki, a banned…

Avoid this dressing the new “mungiki ” is wearing , unaware youths told

The dreaded Mungiki sect is said to be back and this time with new tactics and…

Revealed: Feared Nairobi Gaza gang could be the new mungiki wing

Whenever Gaza gang is mentioned, chills run down the spines of Nairobi residents. The gang, which…

Is kenyas deadly gang , Mungiki , regrouping in estates ??

Mungiki is a mysterious gang that also operates like a cult. They’ve been known to do…

Why Deadly Gang is Spreading Out of Nairobi very fast

Gaza gang, long associated with crime in Eastlands, Nairobi, now seems to be spreading its arms …