5 Ways to Make your Vagina Glow and Smell Good Naturally


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The vagina is one of the most sensitive organs in a woman. Once it’s not taken care of, it can get infections and you definitely don’t want that.

Here are some natural ways of making your vagina glow and smell great;

1. Wear cotton panties and avoid thongs.
Cotton panties are the way to go always! They are the simplest way of making your vajayjay smell fresh and great. Every woman needs to avoid wearing thongs because they can spread bacteria from the anus to the vagina which can give it a bad odour.
For those that love wearing tight panties, you need to avoid this too. This is because they can cause you to sweat and change the taste of your vagina.
With these, your vagina will be safe.
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2. Drink water. 
Drinking water is healthy for your vagina because it clears all the toxins that can make the excretion organs including the vagina to produce a different odour.
Anytime you are dehydrated, your urine becomes more acidic and ends up making the vagina taste sour. Aim to drink 500 ml of water daily to improve metabolism. You can also drink 2 litres of water every day to improve your energy expenditure by 98 calories.
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3. Use a scented lube.
It’s important to use a scented lube because it helps the vagina smell good during and after sex.
But keep in mind once your man ejaculates in your vagina, the smell changes instantly. This is because his semen’s pH is different from your vagina. The man’s semen is basic while your vagina is acidic.
The combination of alkalinity and acidity will definitely make your vagina smell.
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4. Practise good hygiene. 
Vaginal cleanliness is important for every girl.
If you have been wondering how to do it right,don’t worry we will guide you. Always avoid wiping your anus from back to front since it will transport bacteria from the anus to the vagina. Simply wipe from front to back.
For the ladies with long nails, make sure they are clean. Nails carry a lot of germs and once they come into contact with the vagina, you are simply welcoming infections.
Avoid using scented sprays and wet wipes which are sensitive to the vagina.
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5. Have a good sleeping routine. 
When you have a good and quality sleep, your body’s immunity improves and fights infections better.
According to doctors, the liver and the gallbladder are usually busy repairing and detoxifying our bodies between 11 pm and 3 am.
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