5 Ways to Avoid Getting Ringworms

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Ringworms are uncomfortable and embarrassing. They are usually associated with dirt and being unclean. While they are more common in children who walk around with ‘mashilingi’ (as they are commonly called) on their heads, adults can get them too.

Ringworms are contagious and one can get them from coming into contact with someone who has them. They can also be transmitted from animals and pets. Finally, dirt is not your friend.

To avoid getting ringworms, here are six things you can do;

1.Don’t share personal care and grooming things

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Many children get ringworms from the kinyozi’s machine or the blow dryer at the salon. It is always important to avoid sharing personal grooming items. If you have to, ensure that they are properly sanitized first.

Don’t share clothing, towels, sheets, or other personal items with someone who has ringworm.

2. Protect your feet

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People who have sweaty feet are at risk of getting ringworms. To avoid this, wear shoes that allow air to circulate freely around your feet.

Public areas like public toilets and showers are not hygienic enough. Therefore, don’t walk barefoot in areas like locker rooms or public showers.

3. Personal Grooming

Clip your fingernails and toenails short and keep them clean. Always ensure to change your socks and underwear at least once a day.

4. Pets

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Wash your hands with soap and running water after playing with pets. If you suspect that your pet has ringworm, take it to see a veterinarian. If your pet has ringworm, take all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the infection.

5. Shower

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This especially applies to athletes. If you’re involved in close contact sports like rugby and football, shower immediately after your practice session or match, and keep all of your sports gear and uniform clean. Don’t share sports gear (helmet, etc.) with other players.

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