Strategies to Get a Promotion at Work

Ever wonder how everyone else keeps getting promoted, but you keep being left behind? You don’t have to wonder any longer. The good news is, the entire process is not as mysterious as it seems from the outside. It just takes time and commitment. Before climbing the corporate ladder, you need to learn how to get a promotion.

First and most important, promotions are not a given. Very often, we have an expectation that if we work for a company for a certain amount of time, we’ll get promoted. Or, we assume our intelligence or speed will always equal a promotion. Assuming you should be promoted is a quick way to hold yourself back.

Here are tips that you should apply.

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Practice Self-promotion

We’re taught by our families that modesty is a virtue, but just as with job-hunting, if no one knows how great you are, you simply won’t get ahead. Sell yourself — and let it be known that you are seeking a promotion. Those promoted had a mentoring relationship with someone higher in the company who helped spread the good word about them. The person is often called an advocate.

Acquire New Knowledge and Skills

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to succeed in getting a promotion is to expand your knowledge and skill sets in areas that are critical to the organization.

Offer New Ideas

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When in a meeting, be the person who saves the day with a fresh perspective or a solution no one had considered before. Doing your research and having ideas is crucial during problem-solving, and that resourcefulness makes you stand out among other employees. If you’re working towards a promotion, get in the habit of offering ideas that can help advance the company. This shows your supervisor that you’re reliable and agile.

Act Professionally at All Times

This cannot be overemphasized. Earn a reputation for being dependable, professional, and cooperative. Act and look the part. Dress professionally and neatly, even on business casual days. Ask questions when you aren’t sure how to do something. It’s always better to admit you don’t have all the answers than to be a know-it-all.

Be a team player

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 Volunteer to help with new projects. Serve on committees or task forces. Offer to help your boss and coworkers whenever time permits. When there is a crisis or time of peak demand in your department, put in the extra effort to address the issue.

Don’t Assume You’ll Get the Job

As an internal candidate, you may have an edge, but that doesn’t mean the job is in the bag. Take the time to update your resume and write a targeted cover letter for the job, just as you would for an outside company.


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