The Dangers of Breast Implants Every Woman Should Know About

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Big breasts have been sexualized in society for years. The obsession has grown immensely due to their representation in today’s pop culture and the advancement of technology.

Today everywhere you look including music videos and movies, there’s a pair of big boobs ready to receive you. This, in turn, has led to more and more women getting breast implants in the quest for perfection.

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The implants make women the envy of other women. What they don’t tell you, however, are the complications and dangers associated with the implants.

Not everything that glitters is gold. Here are a number of dangers involved:

  1. Depression and suicidal thoughts

Many women who have gotten their breast enlarged with implants have reported having escalated feelings of inadequacy.


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When you go to a plastic surgeon’s office, they mark your body just like this-depending on what you’re having done. I know. I’ve been there once. All of the markings represent what’s not “perfect enough” for us to accept on our own bodies whether it’s breasts (🙋🏽‍♀️), nose, body fat, or even tummies. I remember sitting in the surgeon’s office 7 years ago hopeful that bigger breasts would make me feel better about myself. Cosmetic surgery doesn’t make you feel better though.. you only feel better when you start to accept the things you shouldn’t be changing in the first place. If I could go back and tell that 21 year old girl awaiting her consult for a breast augmentation, I would scream at her that she’s perfect. I would tell her that she does not need to be cut into like a slice of meat. I would tell her that it wasn’t worth it. I would hug her. Cry with her. I would tell her that she was beautiful and didn’t have to do this. Why am I posting this? Because millions of females and males struggle with the alluring idea of getting nipped and tucked. They make it look so glorious and amazing! But what if I told you that women who get breast implants are statistically 4 times as likely to commit suicide after? You would think otherwise, right? Since getting surgery, my depression and anxiety has worsened. The ability to accept myself has worsened because it makes you want MORE. This might be a triggering message, but I urge you to love yourself. No body deserves to be marked on as if it needs changing. It’s degrading and it’s never a good feeling. I’m not totally against plastic surgery, but I can’t say that I’m really for it anymore. To each their own. But I want you to look good and long at this photo noticing the cut lines. It’s sad isn’t it? We feel so much pressure to be perfect because plastic surgery is the norm. Yes, implants, fat transfers, liposuction, nose jobs, eyebrow lifts, and even chin jobs are the NORM for many Instagram influencers and people in general. THIS is why I urge you to never compare. Unfollow anyone that is “too perfect” for you. Follow those who do good for your mental health. You’re worth it! YOU DO NOT NEED FIXING.

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2. Ruptured Implant

Implants do not last a lifetime and are expected to break anytime between their instalment date to eleven years later. For many women, however, they break sooner rather than later and this causes health complications.

The raptures differ and can be with or without symptoms.


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I’ve been MIA because I had surgery on Friday. This is an actual photo of my ruptured implant that was inside of me. Getting breast implants is a life long decision- you will likely need more surgeries and have complications, so I hope any girl considering them reads this and reconsiders to makes sure it’s really what she wants. Don’t get me wrong, I love how my boobs make me feel more womanly, and in some sense more beautiful- but if I could go back in time, after all the problems I’ve had, I wouldn’t have gotten them. I’m ok and healing well, I had an amazing Dr and didn’t explant but instead replaced the 1 because after years of having implants explant seems so scary to me right now- I’m not sure if I’ll be left disfigured without them. I share my story only because I know millions of young women look at me and others with implants thinking they need them too, so I just want all the women in that position to know things aren’t as perfect as they seem, and implants come with real risks.

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3. Breast Cancer

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Scientific studies have not been able to prove that implants cause the dreaded disease of breast cancer. It is however proven that implants have caused delayed breast cancer diagnosis in hundreds of women.

4. Breast pain


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It is common to experience unexpected breast pain around the area that the implant has been added.

5. Changes in nipple and breast sensation

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Women with boob implants commonly experience an unprecedented change in their breasts and nipple sensation. For some, they lose all sensation in their nipples and become numb. Others, however, have painfully sensitive nipples.

6. Additional surgeries

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More often than not, patients of this surgery require follow-up surgeries to keep the new boobs looking fresh.

7. Infection

Some women end up back in the theatre after getting implants due to infections. Some suffer from breast implant illness.

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