Sex Gets Boring and Other Bad Things No One Tells You About Marriage

Man and Woman Holding Wedding Rings

Marriage is not a bed of roses as many would assume and most do not get to see the flaws until they walk into it.

There are many things we wish we were told before saying ‘Yes I do’. However, a good number of married couples have admitted that advice given is usually overshadowed by the overwhelming love that they feel for each other.

Although it comes with challenges, marriage can be equally beautiful since you get to spend a lifetime with the man or woman of your dreams.

Couples are advised to spice up their marriage once in a while to avoid getting bored with each other.

With divorce being a ‘taboo’ in an African setup, couples were forced to preserve with each other in the name of keeping the vows.

Although many things have changed in the modern-day marriages; the ugly side of it still remains.

Bride And Groom Photoshoot

Here are some of the bad things about marriage

You are marrying the whole family

There is always a high expectation from your in-laws and their opinion will always matter.

Saying yes to the man of your dreams means you are ready to embrace his culture and his family as well.

In some extreme cases, you will feel that your man always chooses his family over you.

To avoid the chaos, it is advisable that the man should deal with his family and the woman deal with his

Priorities change

This could be good or bad for the relationship. If your priorities are moving in the same direction, it becomes easier to deal with it.

The problem comes when you have competing or contradicting priorities.

For example, while making your financial budget; it is hard to harmonize if your man’s priority list differs from yours.

It changes in ways you never expected

This change can be in all aspects of the relationship. Your partner’s character and attitude can drastically change and you begin to feel that you do not them or understand them anymore.

It could get ugly if they even change how they treat you.

 It can get frustrating

Marriage can be frustrating if you start feeling that there are some things you never signed up for.

It can also be tough if your partner leaves you to cater to all the responsibilities.

Having sex with one person can get boring

This is one of the reasons why some married men and women cheat. Some give the excuse that their partners are poor in bed even though they never made an effort to spice it up and see if it works.

In spite of these challenges you are likely to encounter in marriage, some couples have managed to honor their vows for decades.

All the same, it is important to note that not everything that works for others can work for you too.

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