Foods that Cause Stains on your Teeth

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There are many myths surrounding stains on teeth. Sometimes people claim that the tye of water one drinks may cause these stains while others believe that eating a lot of sugar might be the cause.

Unknown to many, your choice of food is also a great participant of the stains on your teeth. Check out the type of foods below which are major enemies to your teeth.


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 is not only high in tannins and chromogens but very acidic as well, which negatively alters the pH balance in the mouth. These combined characteristics cause yellowing over time, and the high acidity can allow foods eaten later to stain or damage teeth more quickly.


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Hot or cold, tea can stain teeth much more so than coffee due to its tannins and acidity. Specialty teas like green tea can stain teeth grey (which is more difficult to reverse), while black teas can yellow teeth.


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Anything carbonated (even sugar-free drinks) are acidic and can damage teeth, so even clear sodas can ultimately contribute to teeth staining

Sports drinks

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Food dye in sports drinks can leave the teeth discolored. Most are extremely high in acid and sugar making sports drinks potentially harmful to teeth.

Candies and Sweets 

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Sugar not only causes tooth decay but creates an acidic environment in the mouth that makes your teeth more prone to staining and discoloration, while also producing plaque buildup and cavities.

Balsamic Vinegar

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Balsamic vinegar can also darken your teeth due to its natural color and acid content, which may encourage staining from other foods.

Tomato Sauce

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Tomato sauce causes acidity in the oral environment, making teeth more vulnerable to staining and discoloration.

Berries & Pomegranate

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While they are healthy and highly recommended to include in your diet, they are known to stain dental enamel.

Any fruit juice rich with pigmentation puts your teeth at risk of staining, and many fruit juices are high in sugar content.

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