I’ve Never Slept Without Watching Porn or Masturbating – Read Confession From Troubled Man

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Most men watch porn with or without the knowledge of their partner as they see it as a form of entertainment or means of getting some knowledge that could help them in the bedroom.

In recent years, men have been advised to quit watching porn as it isn’t good for their relationship.

Below is a confession of a man who has struggled with porn addiction.

Hey you all, I am tired of this, I am so done with masturbating, my God I have done this for a long time now it has to end.

I wank I the morning, lunch, evening basically at every gadam chance am so tired of this. If my dick could talk, it could tell an ugly story but I’ve stretched, choked, rubbed with one hand, both hands name it.

I sooooo want this to end people. how do I stop wanking????????????? Society isn’t making things easier for me. I have free fast internet 24/7 and you know porn is free. yesterday I tried to go to sleep without a wank.

I started fine but gadam I decided to watch a movie to kill time then the rest is history. How I switched off my bulb, locked my room and opened incognito mode of my browser I don’t know but I did it.

I’ve never slept without watching porn or masturbating please guys what do I do to stop this? Chopping off my d*ck isn’t an option. please admin make a poll, I want to know if I am alone in this.

What would you advise? In your opinion, what would you recommend he did that would bring change to his life?

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