How to Cope After Losing Your Job

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Getting fired is one of the biggest blows possibly to hit any adult in their career.

There is nothing pretty about walking into the HR’s office only to be handed your termination letter. The feeling can’t really be explained. Is your heart falling off your chest?

Employees go through a lot of emotional turmoil after losing their jobs. You are in denial at first and start asking questions like, “after all the years, this is what I get for thanks?”

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Sometimes you become an emotional wreck and start blaming yourself for things beyond your control. Do yourself a favour and don’t!

As hard as walking away from the office that gave your life so much meaning will be, there are ways to lessen the heartbreak.

Do not Panic

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I know this sounds distasteful when the reality on the ground is that you want to punch the wall. Try and relax. Don’t cause a whole scene that will tarnish your name.

Resist the urge to say bad things about your employer.

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As humans, we are more likely prone to want to embarrass the employers just as much as they embarrassed us. For your own sake, resist.

Focus on the future

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The future might seem bleak with tears blocking your vision but it’s not the end of the world. Try and refocus and restrategize. If you want to look for other jobs, get your CV and cover letters in order and send them.

If you want to venture into business, do your research and get started. Don’t start before you know all the risks involved.

Entrepreneurship is not as easy as anyone thinks it is. It’s probably more heartbreaking than the day you got your termination letter.


You should remember that before you get something else to do, the last cheque you received is what you have to survive. Use your savings thus far well.

Don’t overspend

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Resist the urge to splurge because of the sadness. instead, cut down on your already costs. You can even move to cheaper houses and generally live a low demanding life.

Be Grateful

Don’t forget what you already have and dwell on the shortcomings of the past. Be present and grateful for all the little things.

Surround yourself with love

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Don’t close yourself in as this is bound to make you depressed. Make time to spend with people who love you and are for you. Talking is essential during that time.

Pursue your hobbies.

There isn’t other time you will have as much free time on your hands so use it to pursue your passions. Have some fun while at it.

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