Interesting facts uncovered about how often ladies should change their bras

Photo: Courtesy

I know almost all of us have at least done that thing once where we repeat a bra for more than 3 days… don’t act like you’ve never, we literally all have. I know, it’s unhealthy and disgusting but sometimes we find ourselves in positions where you just don’t feel like changing your bra.

As you read this, I know some of you who are trying to recall the last time you changed your bra. Maybe a week plus ago? lol! Here’s what you need to know:

change your bra
Source: GIPHY


Generally speaking, the rule is that you should wash your bra after two or three wears, though this is dependant on your lifestyle. Depending on a woman’s personal hygiene also, a standard bra may be worn a couple of times before it needs to be washed.

change your bra
Source: GIPHY


For those women who sweat more, they may wish to wash their bras more often. It’s also necessary to note that for everyday wear, washing after using them every time isn’t necessary. To help the bra maintain its shape, it’s advisable to hand wash bras and always use cool, lukewarm water.


An extra piece of advice is that you should rotate your bras, in which you give them a rest day in between wearing it to give the elastic a chance to regain its shape.

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