Here’s how you’re Constantly shortening your Life span

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How long we live depends on what we eat and things we generally do. As a matter of fact, we shorten our lives by keeping up with certain things.  There are a number of things you can resolve to do in order to “slow down” your biological clock and live longer, whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, all the way to your 60s, 70s, and beyond. Do you need to live longer? Here are some of the things you need to quit;

1. Consistent stress

Image result for being stressed kenyaStress is dangerous and can actually shorten your life. Heart complications like heart attack are mostly attributed to stress meaning stress can kill you any time.  Why won’t you go for some workout, listen to some music or write some pieces of articles to scare stress away?

2. Short or too much sleep

woman curled up in bedEnough sleep is good for your health, and for a longer life for that matter. Sleeping for at least 8 hours is advisable. On the contrary, sleeping for over 9 hours is unhealthy for you. Enough sleep enables the body to revive its process after long hours of activity.  Therefore, less sleep is dangerous, leave alone a sleepy driver.

3. Smoking and drinking

No much explanation is needed here. Smoking and alcohol intake are detrimental to your health. Alcohol is known to increase blood pressure which is a threat to one’s life. Smoking on the other side is a major cause of lung diseases.

4. Eating processed foods

Processed foods come with a lot of health hazards. Most of the ingredients of these foods are dangerous to one’s health. They contain added sugars, fats and lack fibre which means they could cause diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

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5. Staying inactive

The body needs some exercise to stay healthy. Vital organs in the body like the heart can only be taken care of by frequently exercising. Do not let your body lie dormant for months or even years as this could open doors for various ailments.

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