ISSA SCAM! Fake Diets that are out to ruin you

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Ladies are mostly known to be insecure about 2 things; Their weight, or their age.

Every lady knows weight gain is a huge issue that affects you emotionally and physically. There will be times that one my feel desperate and pick up a fad diet. We care for all our queens so before you go on a diet, take a look at this list of diets that you should definitely not be on.

1. Master cleanse diet

Listen, we know that Queen Bey did it to lose weight for dream girls, but what Beyonce Giselle Knowles did not tell you is that she was eating real food and working out for 2 hours, twice in a day. Master cleanse will have you drinking Lemon Juice, Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper mixed with water.

Bad news? It does not work unless you eat actual food and put in 30 minutes of work out time, everyday


2. Baby food diet

Why would a grown woman consume baby food? Are we in the twilight zone? Baby food contains only 20 to 100 calories. An actual adult woman requires a daily intake of 1200 calories.

Bad news? You look like boo boo the fool eating baby food and the diet is dangerous as your body does not get enough calories to function.

sponge bath, bath time

Source: The Chicago Citizen

3. Five bite diet

This diet allows you to eat five bites of WHATEVER YOU WANT. I don’t know about you sis, but if someone tells me I can eat whatever… I’ll genuinely lose my mind and eat all the trash. Gummy bears, soda for days, cereal for dinner…whew chile, what is self control?

Bad news? You will definitely eat nonsense food. You need to eat nutrient dense food and 5 bites means that you are barely consuming 900- 1000 calories. Remember sis, the magic number is 1200 calories.

Fake diets that will never work

4. Cabbage soup diet

Cabbage soup diet requires you to eat 3 bowls of soup for breakfast, dinner and lunch. You can have snacks such as banana and skimmed milk only

Bad news? You will lose weight but you will fart loud & nasty like a fog horn and once you start eating normal food, ALL the weight will come back.

Fake diets that will never work

After all the bad news we need some good news fam.

Good news? Drop your diet, Eat a balanced meal and snacks of 1200 calories a day and move your body for at least 30 minutes a day and you will get the body you want. Trust us.

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