Cry no more! Tips to cut Onions without shedding tears


Onions are an essential ingredient in so many recipes and while we love them, they somehow always leave us in tears. So, why do onions make us cry?

It stimulates the lachrymal glands in the eyes and so they release tears. Blame it on science!



Netizens have tried to guess possible ways one may overcome the tears when cutting onions.

Some are way too funny to withstand.


However, you need not panic!

We put several internet hacks to the test to find the best method for how to cut onions without tears.

Wear gas-tight goggles or a mask

If you have a pair of swimmer’s goggles or chemistry goggles that fit your face, this is one of your best bets. No onion air will be getting in there! But if they don’t fit your face, you’re just cutting an onion with weird glasses on, crying all the while.

  • Be wary of the one-size-fits-all onion goggles you can find online. The odds of them fitting aren’t 100%. And if you have glasses? You’re better off with a different method.

Image titled Chop Onions Without Tears Step 10


Use the candle method

Light a candle and set it near the cutting board before cutting the onion. The gas released by the onion is drawn into the flame of a candle.

  • Not your best bet, however. Some say it just masks the smell and doesn’t actually work. But hey, your kitchen will smell nice!
  • Remember to blow it out after you’re finished cutting the onions.


Cut the onion under water. This is an effective method, but the problem is that it’s a bit difficult to manoeuvre. In the water, the onion bits go everywhere unless you hold onto them and then scooping them up and draining out the onion water and it can all just not be worth it if you don’t execute it right. If you choose this method, plan out your attack beforehand.

  • Some say to do it under running water, but this is a bit tricky, too, obviously. The gushing water makes everything go a little haywire in your hands.

Stick a piece of bread in your mouth. Many people report that chewing, especially bread, helps avoid tears when cutting onions. Chew very slowly, letting the bread hang out of your mouth a little. Your mouth will water, which will be a little uncomfortable, but your eyes won’t!

  • Others say to chew gum. When an onion is cut, a chemical is released into the air. It irritates the lachrymal glands, causing them to excrete tears. Chewing gum while cutting onions prevents tears by forcing you to breathe through your mouth. Chewing gum before, during or after cutting onions promotes the production of saliva. Saliva absorbs the vapors emitted by cut onions, preventing them from condensing on the eye and causing tears. It is best to start chewing gum before starting to cut onions and to remember to breathe through the mouth while cutting the onion.

Image titled Chop Onions Without Tears Step 9

Do you know of any other hack?

Let us know in the comments section!

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