Why do ladies like to recycle their nudes ?

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Brian’s eyes lit up as soon as he looked at his phone mid-happy hour after lunch. His excitement was so apparent that being his friend I immediately knew something was up. As such, there was no use in him lying to me. The 22-year-old content writer admitted that he’d just got a nude from a girl he was pursuing/hunting/flirting with, you pick any, who coincidentally, one of his officemates was also eyeing.

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Immediately, the other friend who I won’t say the name recalled in specific detail a nude he’d received from her the same one, in fact, that had been sent to his phone over the weekend.

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The rest of the table erupted in laughter, and Brian says even now that the phrase “last weekend’s nudes” is still a go-to inside office joke. When he told the sender that he and his friend (accidentally!) figured her out, she responded that “the pic was great, held up for a long time and insinuated that we weren’t the only two to receive it,” wait what!

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More largely, it figures that as sending nudes has become more popular, the likelihood of said nudes being recycled has also increased. My personal theory is that 85 percent-plus of nudes sent are recycled.

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Some lady friends of mine who like sending throwback nudes tell me that they screenshot the photo to adjust the timestamp. “I recycle and pre-shoot nudes all the time,” said Lydia, a 24-year-old home school teacher we used to have a fling with as we were out drinking some time not far off.

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