How did we get here as men?

But how did we get here, and what did bodybuilders even wear before the thong ?

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In 1986, Rich Gaspari waltzed on stage of the International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness Pro Championships and changed the sport forever. He wasn’t wearing more traditional bodybuilding trunks instead, he posed in a thin, red thong, a few inches shorter than his competitors’, that exposed his ripped glutes.

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The judges lauded his physique for being lean enough to expose the striation in the muscles in his buttocks, and a new standard was set for competitive bodybuilders everywhere: To get a leg up on the competition, they wore a thong and flexed ass.

With the rise of ‘physical culture’ a movement in the 1890s of societal interest in good nutrition and keep-fit exercise we saw men wearing swimming trunks or small posing trunks in photographs.

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The final leap into bodybuilding thongs came during a perfect storm of  calorie counting, steroids and bodybuilding sponsorship that began to infiltrate the bodybuilding scene in the late 1960s.

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