This Is Why You Are Always Tired

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Getting tired is okay, everyone gets tired after a hard day’s work, you will just rest and get rejuvenated. However, there are times that even a week of seep doesn’t help.

You are always yawning, always sleepy, your joints feel week muscles feeling cramped up despite resting. This could be the reason behind.

1 You have gained weight and you have not noticed

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Excess weight is a major contributor in the body feeling tired. According to Ong’ech, too much fat interferes with the process of metabolism. Weight may cause certain faculties to ‘switch off’, making one feel exhausted.

2 Lack of physical exercise

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The human body is supposed to feel action throughout. In fact, it is the process of physical activity that provokes the formation of muscles and tendons, which are very important in functionality.

3 You are not eating right

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A high intake of fast foods (junk food), refined sugars found in processed beverages, candy and processed snacks, and white flour results not only in higher fat storage in your body but also a deficiency of vital nutrients.

4. Stress and depression

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Stress, in the right levels, is not bad for health, says Dr Lincoln Khasakhala, a clinical psychologist. However, a mind plagued by constant and abnormal levels of stress causes a quick depreciation into sickness. He says that depression, which often manifests as hopelessness, causes chemical imbalance in the brain, something that interferes with both the cognitive process as well as the body’s ability to maintain health.

5. You are juggling too much

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Picture a working mother of two who has to be at home early to attend to her children. The same person owns a business, which needs her to review at the end of the week. She is pursuing a Master’s degree and has to attend classes three times a week in the evening. If she is religious and has friends, she may need to attend church on Sunday and engage friends in a chitchat. Back at home, her husband may be waiting for a night of explosive love making.

If they are not able to relax, their body is not able to rejuvenate. Often, such individuals will abruptly lose consciousness. If the brain has to process so much at the same time, it shuts down, and so does the body.”

6. Lack of sleep

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A study published in the journal ‘Obesity’ indicates that lack of sleep causes tiredness. Scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden, found that poor or no sleep resulted in raised levels of a hormone that is linked to both hunger and the feeling of tiredness.

While one is asleep, dead and overworked cells of the brain are replaced. Even tissues of the body are repaired. Without sleep, the body remains in the same miserable state hence the constant lethargy.”

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