BEWARE! Ways you could make your unborn baby less attractive through certain foods.

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If there is one thing women care about more than their looks, its their (future) baby’s looks.

Having to hear that “AAAW!! How cute!!!!!!” Is one of the most important things for most mothers.

Many things you do during your pregnancy will be the cause of how your baby may turn out, and this includes the foods you eat. We all want a beautiful baby without any complications, and to do this, you have to steer clear of some foods and beverages. Here are three ways different foods affect your baby’s appearance (and health) negatively.

1. Alcohol

We already know that drinking alcohol is adverse to an unborn baby’s health, but doctors aren’t exactly sure how much alcohol is bad for expectant mothers. This is why it’s advised that expectant mothers avoid drinking entirely. The physical symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome are a smaller head and wide-set eyes.

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2. Artificial sweeteners

Consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy has been linked to a higher chance of having an overweight baby. So lets try avoid too much sugar in our diets.

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3. Soda

Soda tends to be high in artificial sweeteners, which, as written above, can lead to bigger babies. A bigger baby, aside from the future health implications a larger size brings, is really something all expectant moms should be looking to avoid. So lets forget about the sodas for the next 9 months and focus on healthier options like water, milk, and fruit juice.

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Pregnancy is such an important time for laying the groundwork of a healthy diet, so focus on that and you’ll give birth to a beautiful, bouncing, and healthy baby.

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