How ISIS Coordinated Deadly Sri Lanka Massacre

In what appears to be a no-surprise, the radical caliphate group ISIS has claimed it carried out the attacks that led to the killing of more than 320 people including dozens of foreign nationals.

Using their propaganda channel, the militants said they were behind the massacre where they targeted chiefly Christians and foreigners allied to the US, who they said was killing droves of their faithfuls world over.

This comes only days after Sri Lanka’s Defense Minister claimed that attacks of that magnitude could not be carried out by the little-known separatist group National Thowheed Jama’ath (NJT).

NJT occupies the Northern part of Sri Lanka, and has been disfiguring statues of the majority Buddhists who form 70 per cent of the country’s population.

Reports indicate that the attacks on could be linked to New Zealand’s Christ Church’s incident where some 50 Muslims were shot dead in a mosque.

ISIS advised its adherents to seek revenge on the killings last month.

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“The scenes of death in the two mosques are enough to wake the sleep and incite the supporters of the caliphate who live there, to take vengeance for their religion and for sons of their Ummah, who are killed everywhere in the world,” it said.

The Easter Sunday’s nine bomb attacks started at 8:30, and when everything stopped, some 321 people lay dead, while another 500 in hospital.

The country has already enlisted the services of Interpol after it emerged the terrorist attack was coordinated with the help of international criminal groups.

Fresh details have also emerged to indicate that the Government ignored warnings that date back to 4th April on imminent attacks on Churches and Hotels.

This is seen to be largely caused by the infightings between the country’s President and the Prime Minister.

It was noted that the warnings did not reach the office of the Prime Minister for action and that when the Premier called a security meeting Monday Morning, few members attended.

The country has installed security personnel in the volatile capital City, Colombo, amid claims by the US that other attacks are looming.

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