Busting The Myths Surrounding ARV Drugs

1) Every HIV Patient Needs ARV

It is suggested to start as soon as possible (test and treat) and definitely if your CD4 is 500 or less. ARVs are the best treatment for anyone who is HIV-positive. Recent evidence shows that the benefits of early treatment outweigh any risks.

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Many doctors are therefore moving towards earlier and earlier treatment. In South Africa, patients in the state sector are only eligible for government-sponsored treatment when their CD4 count drops below 500.

2) You Can Stop and Continue With ARV Drugs Later

ARVs should be continued for life. Stopping and starting can contribute to viral resistance and starting ARVs again, after a break without it, can make it less effective.

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Even if your viral load is reported as ‘undetectable’ this does not mean that you can stop the ARVs. In some circumstances, gaps in treatment are possible but this should only be considered in consultation with your doctor and generally should be avoided where possible.

3) ARVs Will Drive You Mad

An ARV known as Efavirenz often causes people to have bizarre dreams and makes them feel dizzy and drowsy.

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Some people have interpreted these side effects as the onset of insanity. These reactions usually disappear within three weeks of starting to take the treatment.

4) ARV Causes You Kidney Failure

ARVs may cause damage to the liver and/or kidney just like any drug. Side effects and complications from any medication may occur, but usually affect a very small proportion of users.

ARV side effects can occur but they are predictable and manageable. Your healthcare provider will know how to manage your side effects.

5) ARVs Will Make You More Ill

Antiretrovirals (ARVs) reduce the risk of sickness and death in people who are HIV-positive. They are essential for the treatment and management of HIV.

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There are no other options. ARVs may have some minor side effects and some HIV patients who start ARVs may feel unwell for a short period of time.

This does not occur in every case and it will pass after approximately two months. Claims that say ARVs will make you more ill than the disease itself are incorrect.

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