Ladies, sure ways to know you’re dating a fisi only there for the cookie jar

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The search for love can be hard and you may be tempted to overlook certain faults because of your desire to find the one. While dating, it is always important to be aware of any red flags.

Always remember that you can save yourself time and heartache by avoiding men who are just not right for you.

Ladies, you see that nice man who gives you a shoulder to lean on when you are depressed?

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That one man who takes you out for treats and pampers you with gifts when your caveman of a boyfriend or husband stopped doing this things after making sure you have fallen in love with him.

Well, that’s just a patient wolf hoping you will one day change your mind and take things to the next level.

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It’s common to hear ladies saying “he is just a friend” and “he is like a brother to me”.

The truth of the matter is that such statements are only made when the woman in question is madly in love with someone and their relationships or marriages are working out just fine.

Wait until everything comes crumbling down,they run to this man who is ‘just a friend or a brother’.And before she knows it, she wakes up next to or in the arms of the ‘friend’ asking her how her night was. The “just friends” thing only exists in a woman’s mind.

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No man will ever be such close friends with a woman he spends his money on, pampers her with gifts and gives her a shoulder to lean on when depressed without ‘feelings’ coming in the way.

There is nothing that is free in this planet.Lust just happens. Take it or leave it!!

In summary, here are the type of men ladies should avoid at all costs.

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1. If your man never lets you touch his phone and has never told you security passwords of his phone even after requesting, he could be having a lot of secrets and you don’t know who you are dating. Run away with nearest door and find something else to do.

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2. If your man likes to look at nude pictures of strippers even when you are together with him in bed. He never appreciates your body and always looks for other pictures for satisfaction. What are you waiting for, he will soon dump you.

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3. If your boyfriend is not proud of you in public and doesn’t want his friends to know that you are his girlfriend, he is only using you.

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Just be on your heels.

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4. Mr Rich Guy- A guy who only keeps telling how rich he is and nothing else. Love is not bought and he could be using you and dump you. Keep off even if you are broke.

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5. He has Ex factor in him- He keeps telling you that you don’t do to her what her ex used to do for him. He also supports financially his ex up to now. Hit yourself on the wall and wake up now.

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6. If you meet a guy for the first time and he tell you he loves you. That guy could be moved by lust and not love. Real loves takes time to grow and blossom. Just laugh off and hold on your horses.

What I want to let all the fabulous ladies out there know is that all of the above can be avoided. Being able to identify and also act on any red flags will ensure your time isn’t wasted.

It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who isn’t making you happy at all. In time, you will attract the love that you truly deserve.

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