Business Matters:Kenyans that have made it big in 2019

Brian Gachari

Brian Gachari chairs the Property Realty Company (PRC) board and is the brains behind their new strategy to reach out to their target audience through entertainment, “We’ve found a way to combine art and investment.

Brian Gachari

The company has used both Kenyan and international acts to bridge these two diverse industries. They’ve also been able to kill the notion that investment is a stiff, boring process. They do this by creating experiences that are fun and rewarding.

Brian Gachari

Gilad’s rough, sultry voice and accurate intonation of the Kiswahili language may have one thinking that he is native Kenyan when actually he is from Israel. He has been keen to have his Kenyan citizenship finalized.

“I applied for my Kenyan citizenship this year and we hope and pray for the best. The requirement is that you have to have been a resident here for over seven years. It is now over eight years since my family and I came back to live in Kenya, making us eligible for citizenship. All I want is to be officially Kenyan,” says an optimistic Gilad.

Musician Gilad

Kalekye Mumo is still in the journey to shed some of her weight, which was a slow but progressive endeavour. “In the first two weeks when I saw some kilos and inches drop, I knew I was headed in the right direction.

It stopped being a hard task to achieve once I began seeing the results; I began to sleep better and I had more energy. I knew that pursuing a healthy life would give me the opportunity to do more and therefore it was worthy pursuit.”

Kalekye Mumo

By the time she was turning the big ‘four-oh’ in, Kalekye had successfully lost 40kgs just in time to host an all-white, exclusive ‘rebirth’ party where she invited her family and close friends to the unveiling of a smaller, more petite woman.

Kalekye mumo

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