Being Gay may just be the only way to let your wife get satisfied

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Straight women are less likely than any other demographic group to have an orgasm during sex. Why? Because straight men are clueless about how to give straight women all-consuming pleasure, and straight women are unwilling to call them out on it. Which is a massive bloody shame.

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Researchers surveyed more than 52,000 adults of different sexual identities, and found that while heterosexual men reported that they orgasm 95% of the time, heterosexual women orgasm just 65% of the time. Only 33% of heterosexual women said they have an orgasm every time they have sex, versus 75% of men who could say the same.

Which you could just tot up to differences in gender, but here’s the thing. Lesbian women reported that they orgasm 86% of the time. Bisexual women aren’t doing as well, but even they’re orgasm-ing 66% of the time. Gay men, meanwhile, achieve orgasm 89% of the time, while bisexual men orgasm 88% of the time.

That’s called the orgasm gap, and it’s related to all kinds of factors, such as the increased likelihood of women to go down on other women compared to man and woman sex.

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The researchers found that women who orgasmed more frequently were those who received more oral sex, had sex for longer periods of time, asked for what they want in bed, praised their partner for particular sexual moves and acts, wore sexy underwear, tried new sex positions, tried anal stimulation, acted out fantasies, incorporated sex talk, and expressed love during sex.

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