Popular TV presenter goes into labour live on air

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Pregnancy labour can be estimated by the medical officers on when it can occur but sometimes it tend to happen unexpectedly. This has been the case in KTN studio after their anchor, Brenda Czeda went into labour on air in her morning express show.

During the show, where she was hosting communications strategist Mark Bichachi and lawyer Brenda Mdivo in reviewing the week ‘s top stories and at some point, the show took a commercial break and that was when the labour pains hit her. 

Viewers were then treated to some minutes of music and when the show resumed, she was replaced by Steven Muendo who went on to host the Easy Friday segment. She was rushed to a Nairobi hospital.

This comes after Janet Mbugua pulled off one of the most epic pranks on her co-host Hussein Mohammed live on air while at Citizen TV. With a few days to go until her highly anticipated delivery, Janet Mbugua’s last show before commencing her maternity leave is one we shall all remember and particularly, Hussein Mohammed.

As the two winded down on the news bulletin, Janet tricked Hussein Mohammed into thinking she was going into labour live on air. The reaction on Hussein Mohammed’s face? Priceless.

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