Why Your Romantic Luo Man will Not Marry You

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Luo men are considered the most romantic in Kenya, but also very cultural, especially when it comes to marriage and such issues.

But here are some of the reasons why your Luo man might never marry you, especially if you happen to be hailing from a different ethnic community.

1. From different ethnicity

If you happen to be from a different ethnic community and you remain rooted in tribalism and ethnic stereotypes, then you are likely to never get married to him.

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This is because all Luo men look forward to retiring to the village someday, which might make it very hard for both of you surviving in the interior of Luo Nyanza.

If you hate or hold negative views about Luos, then how will you survive in an area full of the same people and at times consisting of them alone?

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2. Lazy

Living in Luo villages entails digging and at times engaging in other rather hard tasks as is always the case in villages.

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If you happen to be lazy you are very unlikely to not end up being married to the man because you will be a burden to him and his family back in the village.

This can be worsened by the habit by Luo family members to leave most of the work to the new woman in the family and if you cannot cope the blame lands on the man.

3. Family view

Whether or not you will be married to the guy depends on your behaviour and what your boyfriend’s family thinks about you, your conduct and habits.

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If they disapprove of you, then you are likely to end up alone finally, as the man attempts to avoid clashes with his family and at times curses.

However, there are a few men who will stand by you regardless of what their kin think about you.

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