Are You Doing This Whole Dating Thing Wrong? Find Out Here

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Learning about a major mistake made when dating is very important. Mistakes don’t care how smart one could be but rather, they are there to make one do better.

When it comes to dating, there are some mistakes that are hard to note, not because they matter less but it is because people tend to assume them.

Here are some of the mistakes that even smart women do;

1. Texting a guy how you feel

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This issue is faced by many women who happen to fall in love first before the guy. As a result, they tend to open up to a guy on how they feel, thinking that by doing so, this will make the guy to also make a move. 

However, even though it is a good thing for one to open up about how she feels, making the first move is always a bad idea. This is because chances of the guy taking advantage of you after discovering that you are into him are very high.

2. Looking for the perfect partner

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Most women waste a lot of time trying to find a perfect guy to fall in love with. We are in an era that women should know that there is no perfect guy, but rather finding a person whom you can get in terms with is what that matters.

3. Allowing yourself to see what you want to see

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Another mistake that smart women do in dating these days is allowing themselves to see what they want to see rather than seeing the reality of facts. As a result, women end up falling for the wrong guy lying to themselves that they can be better.

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