Why The Only Immunization to Opportunistic Disease Called Corruption is Social In Nature & Not Political

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Corruption is an opportunistic disease. The only immunization is social. Not legal. Not political. The immunization will come when husbands and wives tell their corrupt spouses I will not board that V8 because you got the money wickedly. Your salary is Kshs. 225k , you didn’t take a loan so how did you buy land build a 45m house for us.

The second social level is churches and mosques telling those who want to finance the work if God that, we know you are a governor and giving us 200k or giving 60 projects 100k each is not accountable because you earn a million so you stole the rest because you can not have sold your land to give to the Church.

Third social immunization; the ethnic community tells the guy raining millions to become governor that 60 months (5years) salary will only give you 60m. So you cannot spend 150m and then don’t steal. So we want to each give you 1k so that we raise 20m to put you in office to serve us without stealing and make your 60m savings in 5 years, then we give you a second term.

DPP, DCI, etc cannot fight corruption. There is no war against corruption in Kenya.

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It’s only when we citizens assume the office of the Citizen of Kenya and create Kenya in our image that Kenya will change to become the Kenya Tuitakayo. Currently, Kenya is in the image of the people of Kenya.. Corrupt, cynical, sick. Politicians including Uhuru will never fight corruption when they ate the beneficiaries of corruption.
Drain the swamp.. It’s the only way to end mosquitoes and malaria fundamentally.. Once the swamp is dry, the few mosquitoes from the thickets can be contained through spraying and doing nets etc.

Stop fighting corruption, start equipping Kenyans with INTEGRITY, then pick the few crooks and punish them hard , take everything back, shame them and their families for partaking in the sabotage of their country.

Once the swamp is dry (citizens are of integrity and values) saboteurs will start committing suicide before they are named .. Their families will force them to return public assets. Pastors will refuse to give suspects front row pews or recognize them in their churches.

Uhuru, Raila or government is not going to drain the swamp. Did you get that? This is a social, spiritual and moral assignment which must be made political. Name and shame corruption network (NASCON).. We need to NASCON them socially to help government punish them.

Right now there is no environment against corruption. The environment is good and fertile for corruption. The swamp is deep. Even primary school teachers, church committee members, farmers cooperatives and SACCO officials are badly corrupt and stinking.. Because there is no moral compass in the nation. Drain the swamp.

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