Judges rule Justice Lessit made a mistake in Obado’s aides ruling

Image result for images of Obado's aides arrested in sharon's murder

Soon after the expose at Kodiaga maximum prison of court officials demanding bribe for case files to be presented else the criminal suspects get to stay in prison for even 10 years in the name of files are lost,another major court set back has been revealed in the murder of Rongo University student Sharon.

Migori Governor Okoth Obado’s personal assistant and a county official have been released after five months in custody for the murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno.

Image result for images of Obado's aides arrested in sharon's murder

Michael Oyamo and Migori county clerk Caspal Obiero walked to freedom after being released by Court of Appeal Judges William Ouko, Mohamed Warsame and Otieno Odek on a cash bail of Sh1 million each.

The Appellate Judges ruled that High Court Judge Jessie Lessit made a mistake to deny the two bails when the law presumes any accused as innocent until proven guilty.

According to the judges, there were no compelling reasons to continue keeping the two in custody pending their trial over the murder of Sharon and her unborn baby.

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