shocking! you will not believe what this man did to his best friend

Its said that your best friend is your enemy. The best friend character is visible when you are together but the moment each of you takes his own path, you are great enemies. These people you call friends are the same people to betray you and forsake you in time of trouble.

Matt Mogotlane a South African man has got people to shock after he has revealed what he did to his best friend. He took to twitter to reveal how he impregnated his best friends mother.


His tweet ignite reactions ;

How is this even possible?

Why could one do such an act to his best friend?

You need to watch your back with friends. That friendship is a precious thing is a truism no one disputes. Don’t get too comfortable. Your close friend is an enemy in the closet. Watch your back especially when you are doing better than your friend in life. Don’t lie to yourself that your friend has your best interests at heart, they most likely don’t. They’re likely jealous and they’ll destroy you if they get a chance. The most dangerous type of false friend is the flatterer.  He insinuates himself into our good graces by adroitly playing into your emotions.

The next time you have a best friend, have limits. He is supposed to be a friend but not a family member. He is not worth your private life. It is dishonest and disrespect for a someone you love and trust only to learn that he slept with your mother. Him having in mind that you are a friend, would not have involved himself in such an act, in fact your friendship should be a boundary to him disrespecting you to such an extent.


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