The world celebrates Safe internet day

The internet never forgets. That statement is always used to refer to utterances or events of the past that the internet keeps. The Internet has conquered the world and is taking every aspect of life in a different dimension. This ranges from education, health, security and any other form of learning and growing.

The emergence of social media as a tool of communication has created a platform for interaction and discussions on matters governance, health, marketing, and other forms. The US as the leading internet users in the world, the internet has come with positive impact. Children are learning from the internet, it creates employment. The powerful man President Donald Trump himself uses the internet, and for him, he uses it to thrash his critics.

Many organizations have been championing for safe usage of internet and for purpose of learning and exploring. Con men and fraudsters have been thriving on the internet. Impersonators too have taken over the internet with misleading a group of people and damaging reputations. In Kenya, the government has put up a law to punish those who misuse the internet.

As for many people who enjoy unlimited internet access, this is not a case in Uganda. The year 2018, Uganda imposed a tax on internet usage.  The regulations of the internet are common among many African countries and mainly is to eradicate propaganda and radicalization by terror groups.

On this day, organization, communities, and governments have taken a step in advocating for safe usage of the internet.

Make sure you make good use of the internet for the internet never forgets!

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