Does an Apple a Day Really Keep The Doctor Away?

We have all heard the old saying that an apple a day keeps the Dr. away, but is it true? Or are apples just overly exaggerated health foods that we have been believing in for centuries? Well as old sayings go this one is pretty true. Apples come in their own natural packaging and are one of the healthiest things you can consume! What makes them so healthy? Glad you asked here is a list of amazing reasons you should be eating apples or more apples.

1. Healthier teeth
My Dad constantly harped me about how apples are great for your teeth. I didn’t think he was wrong, but in kid fashion, I simply rolled my eyes and exclaimed: “ yeah, yeah”. You know you have done this too, but truthfully my father was right. They are great for your teeth and mouth health! While they won’t replace your toothbrush studies have shown that biting and chewing apples stimulates saliva in your mouth and reduces tooth decay. It lowers levels of bacteria and it even makes your teeth whiter! Talk about an all-natural whitening treatment!

2. Avoid Alzheimer’s
A major benefit of eating an apple or drinking apple juice is preventing aging effects on the brain. Eating apples higher the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain. The main neurotransmitter is acetylcholine it helps with memory loss and keeps your cognitive function healthy.

3. Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s is a horrible neurological disease, but studies show the people who eat high-fiber foods and fruits such as apples are protecting themselves against Parkinson’s disease.

4.Curb all sorts of cancer
It’s an anti-carcinogen according to the American Association for Cancer and Research. Flavonol-rich apples could reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 23 percent. It’s also been shown in rat studies to reduce mammary tumors. An apple a day can keep cancer away.

5. Decrease your risk of diabetes
You can decrease your diabetes risk by about 28 percent by eating an apple a day. So an apple a day can literally keep the Dr. away. It’s all thanks to the soluble fiber in apples that help with blood sugar swings.

6. Reduce Cholesterol
The soluble fiber again has found its way into helping our body. The apple fiber binds with fats in the intestine and it helps lower cholesterol levels. Who doesn’t love that?

7. Healthier Heart
The fiber that slows down the cholesterol-rich plaque in arteries is a huge factor when thinking about apples and heart health, but there is more to apples and hearts than just that. The phenolic compound found in apple skins helps prevent plaque buildup everywhere in the body and reduces blood flow to your heart that causes coronary artery disease.

8. Prevent gallstones
This is one of the most appealing benefits for those who suffer from gallbladder problems. Gallstones tend to form when there’s a lot of cholesterol in your bile and it turns into a solid. Apple fiber helps get rid of the cholesterol and in turn, gets rid of your gallstones.

9. Beat diarrhea and constipation
If your bowels are a little on edge these days then eating apples can help. Again the fiber can help with constipation, but the fiber can also help pull out the excess water you find when you have a lot of diarrhea that just won’t stop.

10. Prevent Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, for those of you lucky enough not to know what they are yet, are swollen veins in the anal canal. These are not life-threatening, but they are life-altering. They are literally a pain in the butt. They can cause bleeding and a whole host of other issues down there. Turns out eating apples actually help prevent them. Because of the fiber in the apple and the healthy bowels that fiber controls you can alleviate a harsh strain every time you use the restroom. This stops the swollenness from taking effect.

So the next time you hear that an apple a day can keep the dr. away you know that it’s true. Not only does it keep the dr. away, but it keeps cancer at bay. Grab an apple after reading this article or eat one for your next meal. Keep healthy!

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