Type of roommates we all encounter in campus

The Thief.She is very dangerous. That time of the week when you have gone for a sleepover, she sneaks into your suitcase, steals your juice, cooking oil, rice and some coins that you careless throw into your suitcase. She fixes everything back such that when you come back you won’t realize. You ought to be all eyes.

The gossiper.She monitors all your moves,that time when you are in class for your lectures, she brings in her friends, who dominate your room and use all the clean utensils and use all the water, as they chambua you from head to toe.

A know it all He really sucks. His mouth works more than his brains. Ask him about that girl downstairs and he will tell you everything including lies. Ask him about how to get your missing marks, he will show you the way. When your friend asks about the latest movies, he has no idea but will force himself to say something.

The fashionista She dresses up. In a day she keeps changing her attires at least three times. All her pocket money is invested in getting new clads to show off to her girls. She surely has more than enough, but will still go ahead to get the latest trends.

Holier than Thou: He wakes up at three o’clock to pray out loud. He rarely says a word to you, cause he is ever busy reading the Bible and praying on his bed. He rarely brings a girl with him to the room. He is so single until you feel embarrassed to bring Shiko for a sleepover.

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