As sweet as honey is, here are reasons to avoid it

Honey has been used for various ways most of which are described as healthy. It is always considered as a cure for coughs, remedy to lose weight and also used to attain everyone’s dream type of skin. With all these health benefits, honey may be harmful if not used right.

Honey leads to gain weight. It might make you surprised while many use it to lose weight. It will only help in weight loss is used along side other things such as lemon. Consuming honey by it self will make you gain weight because its high in sugar and calories.

While honey is actually good for a healthy gut, too much fructose lowers the small intestines’ ability to absorb nutrients. This results in cramping, constipation, bloating and even diarrhoea. However, even small amounts of honey can trigger stomach issues in some people who have fructose intolerance leading to stomach related problems.

If you are prone to allergies, you should stay away from honey. Raw honey may contain pollen and other foreign features that may react with your body. It leads to itchiness, swelling and skin irritation in some people. Other people will also experience lung inflammation and voice change. 

Giving your child honey because she or he is coughing? You doing it wrong. Honey is not god for infants under the age of one. It can cause infant botulism which is a life-threatening condition caused by toxins present in honey.

Honey is sugar just like granulated sugar and will impact on your blood sugar levels. If you are diabetic and trying to keep your blood sugar in check, honey is not the best diet.

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