You Want To Smell Good? This Is What You Should Eat

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There is nothing as good as smelling nice, not only finding the best cosmetic perfume but also having a good body odor. It is said that you are what you

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eat, and this includes even how you smell.

So if you want to have a good body these are the foods to consider

  1. Water vs beer
10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Drinking water helps the body flush out toxins that cause bad body odor. While drinking beer might seem to be a good way to relax after a day’s work, it can cause bad body odor as some of the alcoholseeps out through the pores of the body.

2.Yogurt vs milk

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Active cultures present in yogurt lower the amount of odor-causing sulfite compounds. Also, the vitamin D present in yogurt helps fight bacteria present in the mouth, thereby reducing bad breath. Milkon the other hand contains choline which can cause nasty body odor.

3. Lemon juice vs wine

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Drinking wine might seem like a good way to enjoy your evenings, but a hangover from over-consumption of alcohol is not the only bad effect — you might have to go a day with your body smelling like alcohol. Try drinking lemon with water instead. Lemons help to detox the body due to its high antioxidant properties, while the water in the juice flushes out the toxins released.

4. Herbal tea vs coffee

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Herbal tea is a great source of antioxidants. The fewer toxins the body has, the better it will smell. Coffee or any caffeinated beverage on the other hand can cause acrid body odor.

5. Apple vs cauliflower

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Due to its natural detergent properties, apples help against bad breath. Cauliflower on the other hand contains choline, a vitamin B-like nutrient which can cause foul body odor.

6. Orange vs pumpkin

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

Citrus fruits smell great and get easily absorbed by the body, thereby giving you a fast way to improve your overall odor. On the other hand, pumpkin contains choline which gets metabolized into trimethylamine. Accumulation of trimethylamine in the body can cause bad body odor.

7. White fish vs red meat

10 Foods That Make Your Body Smell Great

While having bad body odor might seem embarrassing, the food items that have been recommended to avoid eating might still have nutritional value. Skipping these foods altogether might not be the best idea. It is advisable to eat all green vegetables, fruits, and dairy products but in moderation. After all, you are the best judge to decide what’s best for your own health.

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