Love Lessons a Mother Must Teach her Daughter

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Love is a difficult subject. No one claims to be a master of love and for good reason. But we have all wanted to or experienced love at some point. For parents, these experiences have turned into knowledge.

Some lessons are best taught by a mother. A grandmother may not be as relatable and a sister may be lacking some wisdom- as such, it is the role of a mother to initiate a heart-to-heart lesson about love matters.

Mothers must gift their daughter with this knowledge to face the relationships and the break ups and come out strong.

Below are some of the most important things:

You are Enough

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This is a message every daughter must hear form their moms. Knowing and believing that you are enough means you don’t have to change anything about yourself to be loved.

Mothers should teach their daughters that anyone who tries to change or convince her otherwise is not ‘the one.’

Respect is Earned

You can’t get respect unless you give it first. And this goes outside the matrimonial home. They have to be respectful to their family and friends.

You must model the respect you seek in a partner.

Don’t lose yourself in a relationship

Falling in love has caused women to fall out of sync with herself. Mothers should teach their daughters not to let their relationships and insecurities stop them from living their best life.

Your daughter should keep her friends, siblings, interests and lead a happy life.

Always Listen

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Moms should teach their daughters to always listen to current and potential suitors. They must always remain perceptive. People always show and tell everything we need to know.

She should not trick herself into believing she knows ‘what he really means.’

True love is about affection

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Mothers should tell their daughters to enter and stay in a relationship for the right reasons.

True love is generous, as it is selfless.

If those qualities are lacking, she shouldn’t be in that relationship.  Loneliness, fear of the past and pressure from friends aren’t good enough reasons to be in a wrong relationship.

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