So sad ! Nyandarua couple meet death in mysterious night inferno

A Nyandarua couple has today met their death in the most ruthless way after  fire broke into their house and burning them
beyond recognition.

The couple who lived at their home in  Kwa Mumbi village  in Nyandarua county. Their bodies were found in the kitchen and locked bathroom respectively by neighbours who rushed to the scene.

The retired teacher Samuel Kamakia and nurse Veronica Wanjiru had tried calling for help before all went silent according to their neighbours.
 A smartphone belonging to Wanjiru was discovered few distance from the house and residents suspected Kamakia snatched it from his wife in order to refrain her from alerting neighbours.
“She first called her sons in Nairobi who in turn alerted the neighbours. It is unclear why they did not escape before the fire spread to other rooms. The house has two exit doors located a safe distance from the bedroom,” recounted Michael Karanja, a neighbour.
Attempts to put out the inferno was thwarted when a gas cylinder exploded and blew up roofs of the permanent building. County firefighters arrived late in the morning after fire had consumed the three-bedroomed building.
County firefighters arrived late in the morning after fire had consumed the three-bedroomed building. Investigations have been launched to establish the cause of the mysterious fire. The bodies were taken to JM Memorial Hospital mortuary.

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