“Pillars are meant to stand strong”, Diana Marua fires back at haters

Diana Marua wife to EMB president cum gospel singer Bahati has been facing a lot of backlash for the better part of last week after gospel singer Weezdom and Mr Seed accused her of manipulating and turning Bahati into a different person.

Mr Seed’s wife Nimo blew everything out after claiming that Marua forced Bahati to call police on her. Mr Seed had to leave his record label after that and the two haven’t been seeing eye to eye.

Days later, Weezdom also left the record label saying that Marua ruined everything at EMB by over-controlling Bahati.

Well, as Kenyans descended on Marua calling her out for her alleged acts, it seems she hasn’t been shaken by the accusations.

On Instagram she sent a few posts throwing shade to haters who have linked her with the downfall of EMB records.

”Pillars are meant to stand strong. When God blesses you, you owe no one an explanation,” she wrote.

“Being taken to levels I never thought I’d get to because I was made to stand out, not to fit in…. ayeeee,” she posted.

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