Why you Should being single in your 20s

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Should you celebrate that you are single?

Relationships are amazing and being in one is nothing less that magical. But have you ever stopped and asked yourself what you would be doing if you were single? What would it be like?

Truth is, you have gotten excited for the times when you are not dating anyone. There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship with someone you care for and you are willing to give them you all. In y/our 20s or some years after that, being in a relationship can be one of the most rewarding and beautiful experiences to find someone you effortlessly and wholeheartedly in love with.

There are also some benefits of being alone; you can reflect, act and appreciate yourself. You can take a look at your past relationships, effect change and find happiness in anything.

Here are some of the reasons you should celebrate being alone:

You can focus on your future plans

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If you are old enough to date, you must’ve also realized that life is pretty much unpredictable-especially in your 20s. This is the time when you get to experience a lot of different things, your professional life, relationships and the fight for independence. By being alone, you can navigate and focus on all these little aspects of your future and own them.

You can reflect on your relationships

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The time in-between relationships are perfect for personal reflection. You can look back on what worked and what failed, what made you happy, what stressed you and what you need to move forward.

Experience new adventures

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Being alone opens the window to try new things: travelling, hiking, clubbing and even socializing. These or some of these things might be outside the comfort zone of your better half. It is worth packing your packs and going for a month long vacation in a remote location.

Spend Quality time with yourself.

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There is a unique allure to be your ‘own boss.’ This makes you feel capable and confident in handling yourself in the future. You can appreciate different parts of you that you didn’t have enough time to focus on.

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