Why men are ‘afraid’ to be vulnerable?


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Women can complain a lot- especially in a relationship.

The one thing women will always complain about in a relationship

It is very rare to see a man really be vulnerable. Men are always afraid to show themselves, not only to their better halves, but also their family.

One can argue that the term ’vulnerability’ repels men. And yet almost everyone will admit that vulnerability is a great thing. Vulnerability can lead to success and can also give you strength. Men keep vulnerability at arm’s length. We may agree by nodding our heads but we never or rarely become vulnerable.

What is ‘Vulnerable’

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Vulnerable is defined as “capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt.” Just like this definition, men see it no different. And as such, men will always hold up their shields. We don’t show ourselves through vulnerability and instead try to show ourselves in other ways: by fixing things, by paying our bills on time, by being the loudest one in the room.

This conditioning has a sturdy foundation. It has been passed down from our great grandfathers through our grandfathers and fathers and then to us, who not only preached but also demonstrated that men’s feeling are meant to be kept inside.

Talking about feelings is something women do. We’re men.

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But vulnerability isn’t just about talking about your feelings. It’s about showing your true self. For many of us, we don’t show ourselves until we have to. Until there’s something at stake. Until we lose something—a relationship, a marriage, a friendship, a business, and eventually ourselves

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