Kenyan top lawyer confirms Turkana is not Kenya

After the promulgation of the 2010 constitution, devolution came, with an aim of bringing government services close to people. Devolving government system to more manageable units was meant to make government administration easier, bringing about the creation of County governments. Do you think this is really working out as intended?

Some areas seem to have been left out of devolution, or rather struggling to catch up with devolution. Lawyer Donald Kipkorir, who seem to have spend a better portion of his weekend in one of the counties, shares his experience.

Through his official twitter account, Kipkorir questions if really Turkana County is still part of Kenya. The lawyer says that the county is “frozen in time as its cradle.”

He says that after staying in the County over the weekend and driving across it, he came to realize that there was no water, no better roads, poor housing, no hospitals and the schools in the area are still mu-walled.

“After staying in Turkana over the weekend & driving across it, I confirm Turkana is not Kenya … Turkana is frozen in time as at its cradle: No Water; No Roads; People still in Huts made of twigs; No Hospitals; Few mud-walled Schools .. No evidence of Devolution.”

The lawyer, through his twitter account confirmed that Turkana is not Kenya.

Some political leaders are currently in a push for referendum to have the several sections of the current constitution amended. Among the changes being advocated for is a push for a three-tier system of government that was proposed by ODM leader Raila Odinga during the fifth devolution conference in Kakamega.

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Among the changes pushed for is also the reduction of over representation in the government.  Do you think these changes will make services better?

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