How Over ambitious plans render Kenyan Youth Jobless



The reality of youth unemployment is biting and disturbing; but  many youth are still leaving in the imagination that once you graduate then you are worth that million dollar employment.

The truth is, it does not come without hurdles and some remain jobless.. not because there are no jobs but because of the ego and unrealistic first salary target or dreams. No man earned enough.. no man earned that much immediately after leaving the campus gates. Well maybe just a few got luck.

But what they never told you is that there are levels and just a degree does not cut it.

I realized sometimes your worth is not on the papers your worth is intertwined in a number of factors including the simple skills that we ignore.


No one narrates to you this reality and even if they do, you might assume that things might work differently for you. Of course things will be different but the worst thing is to refuse a job offer with the reasoning that the salary agreement is not what you wanted.

What do you wish to earn for your first salary?

Well I know of a recent graduate who will not settle for less than 70 k. On your first job, I will tell you that this is one of those dreams you only have when your eyes  are closed and when you wake up, you are slapped with the true definition of hustle

For those who have first hand experience.. they have a pretty clear picture of the real hustle. If you are waiting on 70 K as your first salary, take a slice of advice from Kenyans.


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