Death traps! How lorry drivers are manipulating tires

Is this one of the ways in which drivers risk loosing their lives by manipulating tires? Well a concern has been raised via ma3route on whether this could be the reason behind the deadly truck accidents that have occurred in the past. Or perhaps simply a contributing factor.

In the video, a man is seen holding a knife to mark visible patterns on the tyres.

Ma3route is a platform that helps citizens to share and access info about transport and current traffic conditions for their city. And through their twitter page, they posed these questions; Is this recommended ?or could it be the main reasons for tracks accidents?

From a reliable source online,When it comes to car tyres, the right tread is a very important decision. After all, this is the part of the tyre that is in constant contact with the road surface. Subsequently, the various features and choice of tread can greatly alter both the properties of the specific tyre, as well as how the car handles as a result.

The tread pattern is believed to improve the amount of traction, improves the car’s ability to steer and influences the durability of the tyre itself.

The patterns also may influence the driving comfort and tyre noise level among other things and therefore It is important to choose the right tyre for the job.

This post has triggered debate as one Kenyan stated that what the man is doing is retreading “Retreading can be done multiple times depending on reusability of the tire casing but it’s been mostly done on tires used on Short distance deliveries vehicles than The long distance haul . ..So yes it can cause Accidents if over used or depending on the Tire Casing type. …too”

Sources online however  indicate that the process is called regrooving and can only be done on specific tyres which are regroovable.

Regrooving is a specialist process in which grooves in a tyre are re-cut, using a hand-held tool, to a deeper level to restore up to 4mm of tread depth – that can be as much as 25% of the original tread depth.

The end result of regrooving is affected by the quality of the new tyre and the skill of the regrooving technician.

Regrooving a new tyre offers both performance and cost benefits. However, there are certain conditions that need to be followed  and without the knowledge and guild lines on how to do it then there are chances that it could go wrong.

The Ma3route tagged the National Transport and Safety Authority so that they may look into the matter.

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