Unaamkaanga ukiendanga ama?

Image result for Black lady making her bed
Photo: Courtesy

Life can have you very busy, making you to forego some responsibilities; however, who lacks enough time to make their bed? Everyone looks forward to having a bedroom that would potray their dreamland. And this can only be realised if they maximise on their spaces.

A few people have termed the act as a myth and unless you have people coming to photograph your bedroom, you don’t need to make it look like paradise. Just pull up the covers and smooth the pillows. You don’t even need throw pillows. So take a minute or two and enjoy how nice your bedroom looks when the bed is made.

Making the bed in the morning sparks up some order and organization in one’s life. If you can tackle one small task like making the bed, you can tackle lots of small tasks which add up to getting a whole lot of your to-do list knocked out!

Image result for Black lady making her bed
Photo: Courtesy

Making  your bed is quick and easy and has a huge impact one’s life. Everything looks neater. It’s easier to find your shoes. Your bedroom is a more peaceful environment. Did you ever walk into your bedroom when the day is done only to be greeted with a bed pilled full of laundry that needs folding, or just a messy, unmade pile of sheets and blankets? It’s not such a great feeling.

Ending the day by walking into your bedroom with a neatly made bed is such a great feeling.

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